Despite the actions of mobilizing citizens through email and principals during the month of November, the region of Lombardy has approved the water service at PDL 57. Yesterday, December 22 at 17.00, after a very busy session, the political forces of the majority (PDL and the Northern League) have given the green light to PDL 57 with some small changes to the version licensed by the Commission VIII on 25 November, on which there had been a favorable opinion hip. In the final vote of all the forces of opposition left the room, denouncing the lack of urgency of this measure, and the inadequacy of the law in fact relies on the water market and the big corporations ready to enter into the management of 'water in Italy. This measure, said Rosario Lembo, president of the Italian World Water contract means that "the Lombardia region stands out once again to be the forerunner of the models of water privatization proposed by the National Government by Decree Ronchi, offering companies the opportunity to European corporations grab the efficient management of public companies Lombard fin'ora controllate dai comuni. In parallelo si รจ assistito ancora una volta alla farsa di una Lega, paladina delle difesa delle autonomie locali e dei beni dei territori, che accetta di espropriare i comuni della propria autonomia gestionale dei servizi idrici trasferendo le competenze alla provincia". Le forze della maggioranza hanno inoltre deliberatamente trascurato l'orientamento del Governo Nazionale e la richiesta delle altre Regioni di posticipare la soppressione degli AATO al 31/12/12011, come confermato dal decreto Mille Proroghe approvato nella stessa giornata dal governo. In merito al provvedimento i comitati dell'acqua avevano chiesto il rinvio della discussione in aula in attesa della definizione del quadro legislativo national law within which to set regional standards on the management of public water as a result of the conduct of the referenda on the water in the spring of 2011. The Coordinating Committee also recommends to the region to start a political debate on how to organize the integrated water service reservoirs and not set on the size and the provincial administration, given the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court, the classification of water service as local public interest, to be organized at regional, providing direct management by means of a consortium of municipalities. In order to safeguard the autonomy of municipalities in decision-making regarding the means of expectations of service water, the Coordinating Committee calls for the acceptance of an amendment that would allow the establishment of a special consortium leader in the Province, in place of a special company, whose assembly composed of all mayors of the scope, is the organ sovereign for the resolution of custody of the service, rather than delegating the same function to a board of three persons as stipulated in Article 48 of the PDL 57. This option would enable them to maintain the requirements of current legislation and Community expectations for the management of a company completely owned by the public. "At this point," said Rosario Lembo on behalf of the Committees for the Defense of Water Lombard public "to counter the new regional legislative framework that provides only the instrument of competition for the award requires that mayors Lombardi will get back the enthusiasm and active policy in the first place to defend the autonomy of decision-making authority within throughout 2011, according to the national extension. Secondly, the city council must reclaim the spirit of the referendum that led to the modification of 144 the Lombard previous regional water law, which imposed the obligation of making a tender asking for water services modification of the PDL 57 and both support the campaign committees for declaring it. " More information: contract Italian Committee World Water Fund - |
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