Friday, January 14, 2011

6co2 6h2o C6h12o6 6o2

Si consult citizens a say!

The Constitutional Court has admitted two referendum questions proposed by the movements for water. In the spring, men and women of this country will decide on an essential commodity. The victory of "yes" would change direction on the management of water services and more generally on all property in common.

await the reasons for the failure to consult on the admission of the remaining question (Question 2), but it is already clear that this decision does not alter the battle for ripubblicizzazione water that remains intact and strong political referenda.

The Organizing Committee today more than ever calls for an immediate moratorium on the measure of maturity of the Ronchi Decree, and on the revocation of AATO, a necessary act of democracy because a decidere sull'acqua siano davvero gli italiani.

Il Comitato Promotore attiverà tutti i contatti istituzionali necessari per chiedere che la data del voto referendario coincida con quella delle elezioni amministrative della prossima primavera.

Da oggi inizia l'ultima tappa, siamo sicuri che le migliori energie di questo paese non si tireranno indietro.


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