Monday, January 31, 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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Friday, January 14, 2011
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The Constitutional Court has admitted two referendum questions proposed by the movements for water. In the spring, men and women of this country will decide on an essential commodity. The victory of "yes" would change direction on the management of water services and more generally on all property in common.
await the reasons for the failure to consult on the admission of the remaining question (Question 2), but it is already clear that this decision does not alter the battle for ripubblicizzazione water that remains intact and strong political referenda.
The Organizing Committee today more than ever calls for an immediate moratorium on the measure of maturity of the Ronchi Decree, and on the revocation of AATO, a necessary act of democracy because a decidere sull'acqua siano davvero gli italiani.
Il Comitato Promotore attiverà tutti i contatti istituzionali necessari per chiedere che la data del voto referendario coincida con quella delle elezioni amministrative della prossima primavera.
Da oggi inizia l'ultima tappa, siamo sicuri che le migliori energie di questo paese non si tireranno indietro.
Monday, January 10, 2011
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Per firmare la moratoria vai all'indirizzo: h ttp://
Over one million four hundred thousand men and women of this country have signed the three referendum questions promoted by the Italian Forum of Water Movements and a great social gathering coalition in the Organizing Committee.
They place their signatures because they realize that the battle for public water is a battle of civilizations, for the protection and universal access to a common good. Concepts incompatible with any form of privatization and market delivery of a commodity essential to life.
With their signatures, those women and men have put into question all legislation currently in force regarding the management of water services, from the "Ronchi Decree" that wants to finalize the privatization.
With their signatures, those women and men have laid an essential question of democracy: the management of goods essential to life, the decision can not be delegated to anyone but should belong to everyone through the referendum.
We urge the political forces and institutional immediate approval, no later than 31.12.2010, a measure of grace about the deadlines specified by the "Ronchi Decree" and the legislation Suppression Authority d’Ambito territoriale.
Le scadenze imposte dall’art. 23 bis della Legge n. 133/2008 e successive modificazioni, (31 dicembre 2010 in alcune situazioni e 31 dicembre 2011 per altre), e quelle previste dalla Legge 42/2010 sulla soppressione delle A.ATO, come organi di decisione da parte dei Comuni sui modelli di affidamento, rischiano di far accelerare i processi di privatizzazione in corso e vanno di conseguenza posticipate a dopo il referendum.
Contemporaneamente, poiché in caso di elezioni anticipate, la scadenza referendaria, attualmente prevista per la primavera 2011, verrebbe posticipata di un anno, chiediamo che sin da subito le forze institutional policies and undertake to adopt, if it becomes necessary, a measure derogating from the provisions of Law 352/1970, in order to carry out the referendum in 2011 .
As at the regional level we are asking all local authorities to move towards the ripubblicizzazione water service and its governance and participatory, and stop all those activities that prepare the entry of private players in society, further increase in their share capital and corporate all the maneuvers of incorporation of the great managers for small operations.
The extraordinary collection of signatures referendum and the widespread social awareness on water require compliance with a previously expressed will of the people, to be able to vote as soon as possible on an issue essential to people's lives.
The referendum for water are an invaluable opportunity to open a major debate across the country on an issue that is topical across the globe. From Bolivia to France, from Brazil to Belgium, all countries are ongoing protests and conflicts between those who fight for the public and participatory management of water and those who want to give it the financial capital of large corporations.
La stessa Assemblea delle Nazioni Unite, ha riconosciuto quest’anno - con il voto favorevole del Governo italiano- che “l’acqua potabile è un diritto fondamentale, essenziale per il pieno godimento del diritto alla vita e di tutti i diritti dell’uomo” ed ha rivolto l’invito agli Stati ed alle Organizzazioni internazionali a fornire tutte le risorse finanziarie.
Per questo chiediamo l’apertura di una grande discussione in tutti gli angoli del Paese, con una informazione seria e documentata e un confronto senza menzogne e senza propaganda.
Sarebbe una grande occasione di crescita collettiva e di democrazia.
E tutti sappiamo quanto sia necessaria.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
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"Egr. Sig. Sindaco,
In the Province of Sondrio, in virtue of the peculiarities of the territory, the exemption should have asked for custody so-called "in house" or a company wholly public. There is still time to do it if i make the request. The ATO
the nearby province of Lecco has launched the award "in house" with effect from 1 November 2010, the ATO of the city of Milan is taking steps to prorogarlo fino al 2027. A questo si aggiunga la legge regionale della Lombardia, in via di approvazione, che tende ad esautorare completamente i comuni stabilendo che gli stessi hanno diritto ad esprimere un parere sulle decisioni che verranno prese dalla sola Amministrazione Provinciale.
Il futuro dell'acqua è nelle nostre mani. In allegato Le inviamo l'appello a farsi parte attiva sia a livello regionale (per la modifica del progetto di legge) che a livello nazionale (per la moratoria). Le rivolgiamo un accorato appello anche per quanto riguarda l'affidamento pubblico "in house", per un territorio che è l'unico, della Regione Lombardia, completamente montano e che per quanto riguarda le acque è già oggetto di uno massive exploitation, with a few drawbacks to the area. "
For Public Water Coordination in the province of Sondrio
Martina Simonini
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Despite the actions of mobilizing citizens through email and principals during the month of November, the region of Lombardy has approved the water service at PDL 57. Tuesday December 22 at 17.00, after a very busy session, the political forces of the majority (PDL and the Northern League) have given the green light to PDL 57 with some small changes to the version licensed by the Commission VIII on 25 November, where c 'had a favorable opinion of the hip. |
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Despite the actions of mobilizing citizens through email and principals during the month of November, the region of Lombardy has approved the water service at PDL 57. Yesterday, December 22 at 17.00, after a very busy session, the political forces of the majority (PDL and the Northern League) have given the green light to PDL 57 with some small changes to the version licensed by the Commission VIII on 25 November, on which there had been a favorable opinion hip. |