Sunday, December 19, 2010
Denise Milani Topples

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Officejet G85 Repair Manual
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I Have Varicose Veins At 39
Saturday, December 4, 2010
What Causes Dark And Frothy Urine
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Masterbaition Diagrahm
Monday, August 2, 2010
Witches Of Eastwick Babies Walkers
sulla stampa è stata anticipata la notizia che il 5 agosto (approfittando della "distrazione" delle vacanze...) la Giunta Regionale della Lombardia approverà un Progetto di Legge sulla gestione dell'acqua, in applicazione del Decreto Ronchi, lo stesso di cui si chiede l'abrogazione attraverso il Referendum nazionale che ha raccolto 1 milione e 400 mila firme in Italia, di cui ben 237 mila in Lombardia.
Pertanto anche il Progetto di Legge della Giunta Regionale porterà a consegnare ai privati water management.
We invite you to send (between now and August 5) email to the Regional Councillors say NO to the privatization of water in Lombardy.
Basically we list the addresses and the text of the appeal (if you want to change the subject to avoid erase the email as spam).
Make your voice heard.
fraternal greetings, Roberto Fumagalli
__________________________ ____
roberto_formigoni @ region.
pc roberto@circoloambiente.or
RE: NO to the privatization of water in Lombardy.
To the Councillors of the Regional Government of Lombardy
Dear Councillor,
learn from the press that on 5 August this will be discussed and voted upon in the Regional Council a draft law concerning the management of integrated water services (SII), under the so-called Ronchi Decree (Article 23 bis of Law 133/2008, as amended by art. 15 of Law 166/2009).
Advances on the contents of the PDL on the mode of SII expectations of our concerns, that it requires the privatization of water management.
fact with the application of the Ronchi Ronchi Decree, the expectations of the management of IBS in private - that is to Italian or foreign companies interested only in making a profit - it becomes the normal fashion award del servizio; in tal modo si porrebbe fine alle virtuose gestioni pubbliche che, in alcune province della Lombardia, risultano all'avanguardia a livello europeo.
Ricordiamo in questa occasione che a sostegno del Referendum per l'abrogazione del Decreto Ronchi e per la ripubblicizzazione del servizio idrico, in Italia sono state raccolte 1 milione e 400 mila firme, delle quali ben 237 mila nella sola Lombardia (www.acquabenecomune.org).
Si rammenta inoltre che ben cinque Regioni hanno impugnato per incostituzionalità l'art. 23 bis (così come modificato dall'art. 15 del Decreto Ronchi), ritenendo la norma lesiva delle prerogative delle Regioni stesse in materia di servizio idrico.
E' inopportuno che vengano adottati provvedimenti fintanto che la Corte Costituzionale non si esprima sui ricorsi delle Regioni e sull'ammissibilità dei Referendum abrogativi sottoscritti da 1 milione e 400 mila cittadini.
Inoltre è utile ricordare che negli scorsi anni in Lombardia si è attivata una vasta mobilitazione popolare contro le precedenti Leggi Regionali in materia di servizi idrici, in particolare contro le L.R. n. 21/1998 e n. 18/2006, per le parti che imponevano la privatizzazione dell'erogazione dell'acqua. A sostegno di tali mobilitazioni si sono attivati i Comuni; nel 2007 ben 144 Consigli Comunali della Lombardia hanno deliberato contro la L.R. 18/2006; con la successiva L.R. 1/2009, "concordata" coi sindaci referendari, è stata reintrodotta la possibilità dell'affidamento diretto ad aziende totalmente pubbliche.
A tale proposito, ci preoccupa l'eventuale attribuzione delle competenze del governo dei S.I.I. alle Province, che di fatto esautorerebbe i Comuni (ovvero gli Enti più vicini ai cittadini) dalle decisioni su un bene vitale e di interesse per tutti i cittadini qual è l'acqua, cancellando il federalismo rappresentato dai Comuni stessi.
Alla luce di quanto sopra, si chiede di non approvare il suddetto Progetto di Legge per le parti in cui si applica il Decreto Ronchi (che di fatto consegnerà ai privati la gestione dell'acqua) e in cui si esautorano i Comuni delle decisioni in materia di governo dei servizi idrici.
Certi che prenderete in consider our request, Best regards.
ref.: Lombardy Regional Coordinating Committees for Public Water - email: roberto@circoloambiente.org
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Kathy Van Zeeland Age
learn from the local media to the call of the President of the Province of Sondrio to participate in the demonstration of the 27th of February with the participation of Van De Sfroos.
The issue of water in the province of Sondrio revolves around several issues which can be summarized as follows:
1) signing of the failure to make effective the water balance of PTCP (Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan);
2) Appeals against the water balance presented by the same producers of electricity;
3) the claim of ownership of public water;
4) withdrawals in excess compared concessions and royalties, and riparian sovraccanoni ed elettrici;
5) applicazione del DMV (Deflusso Minimo Vitale) e conseguente rideterminazione delle concessioni (ma anche le diverse modalità di calcolo, i controlli, il PTUA - Piano di tutela delle acque- rivisto e corretto ecc.);
6) il rinnovo delle concessioni in scadenza;
7) le multiutility, l’ATO e l’acqua pubblica…
A questo possiamo ora aggiungere art. 15 of the recent fiscal consolidation.
It is said that the signing of this Settlement by the Governor Formigoni is imminent but in the meantime we trust that is so lacking strong and concrete actions to claim ownership of public water as has see the Provincial initiatives aimed at requiring the sovraccanoni not paid by the company as a result of excess levies on concessions;
do not know the ratio of the aforementioned art. 15 dell'approvanda maneuver that would result in the payment of a fee Additional paid by the electricity producers and in favor of the State ... may, and emphasizes the conditional, it could also be the result of an agreement the government-Hydroelectric Company for the extension / renewal of hydroelectric concessions in automatic expiration.
The argument, however, is not one that should encourage a demonstration, but rather a technical matter to be addressed at the institutional level.
He's right, the President of the Province Sertori when he says that these resources should go to local authorities rather than the State, but meanwhile it is noted that the Authority Province wrong to demand what it is like sovraccanoni bordering the conventions in the Province, is the parent body.
As provincial coordination for the referendum campaign "Public Water" and then not go to the streets on June 27 next and at the same time we invite the Provincial Authority to go to claim what it is and that it is the communes bordering : This is million € for which we expect institutional actions and street parties which also involve costs to the community for a media event, we are sure, will have no practical effect.
Coordination Provinciale di Sondrio
for the referendum campaign
"Public Water"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Alas Babylon Resolution
collettivo, fatto da migliaia di persone che nell'ultimo - e decisamente burrascoso - fine settimana si sono messi in fila davanti ai banchetti del referendum per l'acqua pubblica. Forse la mano che ha materialmente fatto raggiungere - in un terzo del tempo - il numero minimo per la presentazione dei tre quesiti referendari era di una coppia di Assisi. Con il loro figlio piccolo erano alla marcia della pace e quando hanno visto i manifesti "L'acqua non si vende" del Forum per l'acqua non hanno esitato. Solo qualche giorno fa la Umbria Acqua Spa gli aveva staccato l'acqua, raccontano da Assisi. Una dimenticanza, una bolletta lasciata troppo tempo tra le carte di casa e l'acqua non scorre più dai rubinetti. Ai privati - Acea possiede il 40% di Umbria Acqua - non imports because of little interest if you have a young son who needs to be cleaned several times a day. Corporations interested in the magic formula of liberalism, "the financial balance." That the financial statements, stock prices and cash flows. of couples of Assisi is just one of many little stories that the militants of public water are told the day after the weekend which allowed to cross the ford of five hundred thousand signatures. It is a resounding success, never reached before by other referendum. Only four years ago it took several months to gather a little more than four hundred thousand signatures for the initiative proposal on the popular ripubblicizzazione water which is still standing in Parliament. It is therefore profoundly increased mobilization, but also spread awareness about the weight that the management of common property in the Italian democracy. In four years the Italians have understood that there is no need to privatize the water, because - in reality - we live already for some time the management corporation. In Italian it is called limited liability companies and, regardless of the composition of capital, they have by law and by statute, the mission of making profit at any cost. For the couple of little importance if the Assisi Umbria Spa Water is now owned 60% by the municipalities, because then, finally, some off the water is the same person who pockets profits. And the five hundred thousand that have so far signed up for the three referendum questions have in mind the true weight held by private shareholders. It is the same mechanism - which was widely reported - by Acqualatina (51% in the hands of municipalities, 49% controlled by Veolia) Acea (51% controlled by the City of Rome, 49% divided between Caltagirone, and Suez shares traded on the stock exchange) and many other joint ventures, from north to Lombardy to Sicily and Calabria. And this awareness is the difference in winning three of the referendum movement to the water with the one presented by Di Pietro and the bill of the PD ecodem: privatization has already arrived in the late '90s, when individuals began to operate within Spa of the mixture. When the people of Umbria, Lazio, Tuscany, Calabria, Lombardy and other regions where many individuals are entered in water management have signed before the eyes of the bills and increases the volatilization of investments. This is the case, for example, Trieste, where the network efficiency is decreased after switching from a public company to limited liability companies. O in the province of Pescara, where yesterday the ATO announced record 30% increase in just one year in charges. Again the operator - the Aca - has become private companies, and today only 3.6% of the cost items should be in network investments. The weight of this first result was reached yesterday in the visible Forum home of the Italian movement for water. "The result is extraordinary, half a million signatures in just one month - said Corrado Oddi, coordination of the Forum - This is proof not only that the theme of water is a great feeling, but that intercepts of demand deeper and more radical, which is in contrast with the commodification of the commons and all aspects of life in general. " It is not just a matter of content but of a mobilization that engages beyond the crisis of the Left: "On the other hand, the direction given by the Forum - continued Oddi - brings out an application for a new politics." Now the road ahead is not over. Nei prossimi due mesi sarà necessario blindare i tre quesiti con un numero molto alto di firme. Gli ostacoli intermedi sono l'eventuale concorrenza con il quesito di Di Pietro - anche se in pochi hanno visto i banchetti dell'Idv in giro nelle piazze italiane - e il vaglio della Corte Costituzionale.
L'ostacolo principale è però il quorum. Su questo punto batte da tempo il gruppo degli ecodem e il circolo più legato a Bersani all'interno del Pd. Ma, numeri alla mano, le previsioni dei democratici sembrano essere decisamente perdenti.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
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Con la gestione dei privati l’acqua potabile costerà fino al 30% in più, e la Provincia di Sondrio rischierà di diventare «terra di conquista» per le multinazionali: per questo è la denuncia - è importante sostenere i referendum della campagna «Acqua, bene comune», e raggiungere il traguardo delle 500mila firme entro luglio. Lo dice la Cgil di Sondrio, che ieri è scesa ufficialmente in campo a sostegno della mobilitazione che punta a portare alle urne tre referendum per abrogare altrettante normative che «in questi anni hanno spinto verso la privatizzazione dell’acqua», cioè l’articolo 23 bis della legge 133/2008 e gli articoli 150 e 154 del decreto legislativo 156/2006, alias il Codice dell’ambiente.
We speak of laws and clauses, stressed yesterday the representatives of the CGIL, but do not make the mistake of thinking that is an issue abstract, abstruse or hidden from public view. "With these measures - said the provincial secretary of the union Giocondo Cerri - moving from a public management of water distribution services to a management allocated through a tender with the private sector, or with joint ventures in which institutions public should have a weight not exceeding 40%, and this should be done by December 31
2010. But water is a fundamental right of all citizens, a common good, and should remain so. " "With these rules - stressed Ettore Armanasco - drinking water from public service becomes a commodity like any other, on which you can make profits. The result is that in other parts of Italy where the models of private management have already been applied with rising rates for individuals and families also came to 30 percent, and in other European countries there are cases trouble like that. " The risk, in other words, according to the promoters of the referendum is to get to pay for drinking water ... weight in gold, with very heavy price rises of the current costs for families: "The service assigned to the race - has remarked Armanasco - will be the 'last mile', the distribution of water agli utenti, proprio quello che può fare gola a chi vuol trarre profitto». Ma non finisce qui, perché secondo il comitato promotore dei referendum assegnare i servizi con le gare d’appalto in sostanza significa, per i meccanismi di mercato, aprire le porte alle grandi multinazionali del settore: un rischio che secondo i sindacalisti vale anche per la provincia di Sondrio. «Qualcuno tempo fa ha definito la Valtellina “il Kuwait dell’acqua”, per la sua grande ricchezza di risorse idriche - ha sottolineato Armanasco - e un territorio come il nostro in questo senso può far gola ad un grande gruppo multinazionale, non in sé e per sé ma come tassello di una strategia a lungo termine. E le grandi aziende are also able to implement actions of "dumping" to beat the competition, then maybe get benefits years later. " Networks and services in the valley are currently in the hands of municipalities or public corporations, "with positive results," remarked still Armanasco, "but also in the Valley have to open a real debate about how to use the water resource in an increasingly accurate, economic and efficient. " But the goal according to the CGIL you do not get "forcing our small towns to do the bidding and handed over to multinationals, because - he said Armanasco -
province will not be great - Walter Rossi said - but it is important to do our part."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Where Can I Buy Bulk Chicken Wings
Valgrosina Friends of The Committee organizes the collection of signatures for submission referenda on the water on 23 May, at the national mountain bike race, junior, in Grosse Ile.
Friday, April 16, 2010
How Soon Does Metformin Work Pcos
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Kate Moss Minnetonka 2010

- afternoon:
PIERPAOLO CORRADINI Vice President of the Province di Sondrio
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Full Head Versus Half Head Highlights
start shortly in Italy, in Valtellina, the collection of signatures for the referendum against the privatization of water. On this subject, has recently been debated and held a crowded meeting in Ponte Valtellina. When you have to make choices is always useful to know the terms. A first question we must ask is: to what extent it is lawful to privatize (commercialize) the water has always been considered a common good? Water is becoming the gold in the future and there are those who think of going to conquer this new mine.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
How To Make A Wedding Special For A Friend
Mountain Wilderness Italy, the Italian Forum of Water Movements, Cyprus Italy, Gruppo Abele and Engineers Without Borders promotes, from 20 to April 24 in Alta Valtellina, the days "LA MONTAGNA GARANTISCE IL DIRITTO ALL'ACQUA A TUTTI I POPOLI: DIFENDIAMOLA".
Friday, April 2, 2010
Difference Between A Bunny And A Rabbit
Why disrespectful of a path that many women and many men like me have built in recent years
in all regions of the country.
Why places the interests of party to a great goal, shared and civilization, such as water common good.
I therefore urge all of you to immediately withdraw from the purpose of meeting and announced the organizing committee of the questions placed to collaborate in the common struggle. "
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Rome, April 1, 2010
Italian Forum of Water Movements
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have been filed in the Supreme Court this morning the three referendum questions on behalf of public water supply. This was announced by the Forum movement to the water on March 20 last year staged a demonstration in Rome, which was set up as "Public Water Referendum Committee. In a press conference to present the referendum campaign, the organizers have released the contents of the three questions that seek to eliminate the provisions in question. In the first calling for the repeal of Article 23 bis - Act 166 of 2009 (Public Services of local economic importance). The provisions of this Article governing the award e la gestione dei servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza economica. Nel secondo quesito si chiede l'abrogazione dell'art. 150 del Decreto Legislativo n. 152 del 2006 (norme in materia ambientale) che riguarda la «Scelta della forma di gestione e procedure di affidamento». Infine il terzo quesito chiede sia abrogato il comma 1, dell'art. 154 (tariffa del servizio idrico integrato) del decreto legislativo n. 152 del 2006 (norme in materia ambientale), limitatamente alla seguente parte: «dell'adeguatezza della remunerazione del capitale investito». (ANSA).