Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kathy Van Zeeland Age

of Sertorius, water and much more

learn from the local media to the call of the President of the Province of Sondrio to participate in the demonstration of the 27th of February with the participation of Van De Sfroos.

The issue of water in the province of Sondrio revolves around several issues which can be summarized as follows:

1) signing of the failure to make effective the water balance of PTCP (Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan);

2) Appeals against the water balance presented by the same producers of electricity;

3) the claim of ownership of public water;

4) withdrawals in excess compared concessions and royalties, and riparian sovraccanoni ed elettrici;

5) applicazione del DMV (Deflusso Minimo Vitale) e conseguente rideterminazione delle concessioni (ma anche le diverse modalità di calcolo, i controlli, il PTUA - Piano di tutela delle acque- rivisto e corretto ecc.);

6) il rinnovo delle concessioni in scadenza;

7) le multiutility, l’ATO e l’acqua pubblica…

A questo possiamo ora aggiungere art. 15 of the recent fiscal consolidation.

It is said that the signing of this Settlement by the Governor Formigoni is imminent but in the meantime we trust that is so lacking strong and concrete actions to claim ownership of public water as has see the Provincial initiatives aimed at requiring the sovraccanoni not paid by the company as a result of excess levies on concessions;

do not know the ratio of the aforementioned art. 15 dell'approvanda maneuver that would result in the payment of a fee Additional paid by the electricity producers and in favor of the State ... may, and emphasizes the conditional, it could also be the result of an agreement the government-Hydroelectric Company for the extension / renewal of hydroelectric concessions in automatic expiration.

The argument, however, is not one that should encourage a demonstration, but rather a technical matter to be addressed at the institutional level.

He's right, the President of the Province Sertori when he says that these resources should go to local authorities rather than the State, but meanwhile it is noted that the Authority Province wrong to demand what it is like sovraccanoni bordering the conventions in the Province, is the parent body.

As provincial coordination for the referendum campaign "Public Water" and then not go to the streets on June 27 next and at the same time we invite the Provincial Authority to go to claim what it is and that it is the communes bordering : This is million € for which we expect institutional actions and street parties which also involve costs to the community for a media event, we are sure, will have no practical effect.

Coordination Provinciale di Sondrio

for the referendum campaign

"Public Water"


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