Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alas Babylon Resolution

Reaching 500 thousand signatures!

collettivo, fatto da migliaia di persone che nell'ultimo - e decisamente burrascoso - fine settimana si sono messi in fila davanti ai banchetti del referendum per l'acqua pubblica. Forse la mano che ha materialmente fatto raggiungere - in un terzo del tempo - il numero minimo per la presentazione dei tre quesiti referendari era di una coppia di Assisi. Con il loro figlio piccolo erano alla marcia della pace e quando hanno visto i manifesti "L'acqua non si vende" del Forum per l'acqua non hanno esitato. Solo qualche giorno fa la Umbria Acqua Spa gli aveva staccato l'acqua, raccontano da Assisi. Una dimenticanza, una bolletta lasciata troppo tempo tra le carte di casa e l'acqua non scorre più dai rubinetti. Ai privati - Acea possiede il 40% di Umbria Acqua - non imports because of little interest if you have a young son who needs to be cleaned several times a day. Corporations interested in the magic formula of liberalism, "the financial balance." That the financial statements, stock prices and cash flows. of couples of Assisi is just one of many little stories that the militants of public water are told the day after the weekend which allowed to cross the ford of five hundred thousand signatures. It is a resounding success, never reached before by other referendum. Only four years ago it took several months to gather a little more than four hundred thousand signatures for the initiative proposal on the popular ripubblicizzazione water which is still standing in Parliament. It is therefore profoundly increased mobilization, but also spread awareness about the weight that the management of common property in the Italian democracy. In four years the Italians have understood that there is no need to privatize the water, because - in reality - we live already for some time the management corporation. In Italian it is called limited liability companies and, regardless of the composition of capital, they have by law and by statute, the mission of making profit at any cost. For the couple of little importance if the Assisi Umbria Spa Water is now owned 60% by the municipalities, because then, finally, some off the water is the same person who pockets profits. And the five hundred thousand that have so far signed up for the three referendum questions have in mind the true weight held by private shareholders. It is the same mechanism - which was widely reported - by Acqualatina (51% in the hands of municipalities, 49% controlled by Veolia) Acea (51% controlled by the City of Rome, 49% divided between Caltagirone, and Suez shares traded on the stock exchange) and many other joint ventures, from north to Lombardy to Sicily and Calabria. And this awareness is the difference in winning three of the referendum movement to the water with the one presented by Di Pietro and the bill of the PD ecodem: privatization has already arrived in the late '90s, when individuals began to operate within Spa of the mixture. When the people of Umbria, Lazio, Tuscany, Calabria, Lombardy and other regions where many individuals are entered in water management have signed before the eyes of the bills and increases the volatilization of investments. This is the case, for example, Trieste, where the network efficiency is decreased after switching from a public company to limited liability companies. O in the province of Pescara, where yesterday the ATO announced record 30% increase in just one year in charges. Again the operator - the Aca - has become private companies, and today only 3.6% of the cost items should be in network investments. The weight of this first result was reached yesterday in the visible Forum home of the Italian movement for water. "The result is extraordinary, half a million signatures in just one month - said Corrado Oddi, coordination of the Forum - This is proof not only that the theme of water is a great feeling, but that intercepts of demand deeper and more radical, which is in contrast with the commodification of the commons and all aspects of life in general. " It is not just a matter of content but of a mobilization that engages beyond the crisis of the Left: "On the other hand, the direction given by the Forum - continued Oddi - brings out an application for a new politics." Now the road ahead is not over. Nei prossimi due mesi sarà necessario blindare i tre quesiti con un numero molto alto di firme. Gli ostacoli intermedi sono l'eventuale concorrenza con il quesito di Di Pietro - anche se in pochi hanno visto i banchetti dell'Idv in giro nelle piazze italiane - e il vaglio della Corte Costituzionale.
L'ostacolo principale è però il quorum. Su questo punto batte da tempo il gruppo degli ecodem e il circolo più legato a Bersani all'interno del Pd. Ma, numeri alla mano, le previsioni dei democratici sembrano essere decisamente perdenti.



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