Thursday, April 22, 2010

Japanese Kodachi Sword

The CGIL di Sondrio

Con la gestione dei privati l’acqua potabile costerà fino al 30% in più, e la Provincia di Sondrio rischierà di diventare «terra di conquista» per le multinazionali: per questo è la denuncia - è importante sostenere i referendum della campagna «Acqua, bene comune», e raggiungere il traguardo delle 500mila firme entro luglio. Lo dice la Cgil di Sondrio, che ieri è scesa ufficialmente in campo a sostegno della mobilitazione che punta a portare alle urne tre referendum per abrogare altrettante normative che «in questi anni hanno spinto verso la privatizzazione dell’acqua», cioè l’articolo 23 bis della legge 133/2008 e gli articoli 150 e 154 del decreto legislativo 156/2006, alias il Codice dell’ambiente.

We speak of laws and clauses, stressed yesterday the representatives of the CGIL, but do not make the mistake of thinking that is an issue abstract, abstruse or hidden from public view. "With these measures - said the provincial secretary of the union Giocondo Cerri - moving from a public management of water distribution services to a management allocated through a tender with the private sector, or with joint ventures in which institutions public should have a weight not exceeding 40%, and this should be done by December 31
2010. But water is a fundamental right of all citizens, a common good, and should remain so. " "With these rules - stressed Ettore Armanasco - drinking water from public service becomes a commodity like any other, on which you can make profits. The result is that in other parts of Italy where the models of private management have already been applied with rising rates for individuals and families also came to 30 percent, and in other European countries there are cases trouble like that. " The risk, in other words, according to the promoters of the referendum is to get to pay for drinking water ... weight in gold, with very heavy price rises of the current costs for families: "The service assigned to the race - has remarked Armanasco - will be the 'last mile', the distribution of water agli utenti, proprio quello che può fare gola a chi vuol trarre profitto». Ma non finisce qui, perché secondo il comitato promotore dei referendum assegnare i servizi con le gare d’appalto in sostanza significa, per i meccanismi di mercato, aprire le porte alle grandi multinazionali del settore: un rischio che secondo i sindacalisti vale anche per la provincia di Sondrio. «Qualcuno tempo fa ha definito la Valtellina “il Kuwait dell’acqua”, per la sua grande ricchezza di risorse idriche - ha sottolineato Armanasco - e un territorio come il nostro in questo senso può far gola ad un grande gruppo multinazionale, non in sé e per sé ma come tassello di una strategia a lungo termine.
E le grandi aziende are also able to implement actions of "dumping" to beat the competition, then maybe get benefits years later. " Networks and services in the valley are currently in the hands of municipalities or public corporations, "with positive results," remarked still Armanasco, "but also in the Valley have to open a real debate about how to use the water resource in an increasingly accurate, economic and efficient. " But the goal according to the CGIL you do not get "forcing our small towns to do the bidding and handed over to multinationals, because - he said Armanasco -
examples such as small hydro made on municipal waterworks show that an intelligent management can also bring significant economic benefits to the local. " This is why the union will work together with local coordination of the committee promoting the referendum - which is being set up in recent days - as well as supporting local initiatives, is collecting signatures in enterprises and workplaces. "The contribution of numerical
province will not be great - Walter Rossi said - but it is important to do our part."
Francesca Bettini (The Province of Sondrio - 22/04/2010)


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