start shortly in Italy, in Valtellina, the collection of signatures for the referendum against the privatization of water. On this subject, has recently been debated and held a crowded meeting in Ponte Valtellina. When you have to make choices is always useful to know the terms. A first question we must ask is: to what extent it is lawful to privatize (commercialize) the water has always been considered a common good? Water is becoming the gold in the future and there are those who think of going to conquer this new mine.
It is argued that even if that happens, the sources and the network will continue to be public property, despite the grant to individuals. We must note that the water right is exercised, and is specified when it flows from the tap and drinking water. Not practicing or going to the water at source. It is exercised through the management and delivery thereof. It 's always useful to know how else to behave. Most European countries have blocked the privatization or, as in France, has ripubblicizzata water. Switzerland has declared the waters and the state monopoly networks and, therefore, not privatized. Belgium has established that the water supply is managed in house. The stake is in the hands of municipalities. The U.S. has determined that the management of water systems in both municipalities. Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile have the constitutionally enshrined right to water. The privatization of water is very alarming because it is so important whether property passed into private hands of its management will be driven by profit. Must necessarily be profitable. It must be remembered that water is good that you can not ever give up and that there are no substitutes for it. Happen, then, that the 8 million Italian citizens who have no access to water, continue to live in this condition, it is likely that the 18 million who drink untreated water will continue to drink this. Similar situation can be remedied if you invest about 62 million €. You must rearrange the Italian water system and make it efficient. Are probably high investment that individuals do not intend to hand. The privatization will certainly lead to higher prices. E 'already happened. Not valid claim that the tendering exercise and the stock exchange in the reductive sense salvific actions affect prices. Past privatizations have taught us. The privatization will affect the controls. Loosen them and, perhaps, the treated water and check that they are paid in many municipalities (the so-called water of the mayor) will no longer own or they will be less. This is not to demonize the private sector. You just want to point out that a common good can not become a commodity. If the water becomes a commodity invariably be subject to the laws that the market will reserve the goods.
Giumelli William, from "The Province of Sondrio - 8/4/2010"
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