Mission Accomplished: Third consecutive victory, taking the third game without goals and 10 goals scored. The Imperia
really seems to have switched gears and launched the challenge to the neo Finale leaders, whose numbers are creepy: eight consecutive wins, 48 \u200b\u200bgoals scored (the best attack of the tournament, more than 3 in any case strong Imperia ) and 19 of those suffered (as the Nerazzurri, not counting the table 3-0 in the third against Carcarese).
With Ceriale that is losing shots (2 defeats in the last 2 games), it appears that the promotion can be a challenge head to head between Giallorossi and Inter. A Final is growing enthusiasm, as was not the case since time immemorial.

Come scritto da Christian Galfrè su ivg.it al "Borel", ad assistere al big match contro il Ceriale, sulle tribune si contavano circa novecento spettatori. Una cornice di pubblico d’altri tempi. Dopo lunga assenza, per l’occasione è tornato il tifo organizzato del Finale. Gli Ultras Orgoglio Finalese, fin da un’ora prima dell’incontro, hanno riempito il lato sinistro della tribuna offrendo un gran bel colpo d’occhio con striscioni, bandiere, fumogeni (vedi fotografia tratta sempre da IVG.it).
Insomma, ci sarà da divertirsi da qui alla fine e, soprattutto, alla penultima di Campionato, quando al "Ciccione" si will face the two teams. But there are still five games to the fateful May 1, 2011.
The Finale will play two home games (against Andora and Serra Riccò) and 3 away (against pegliesi, and Praese Bolzanetese).
The Imperia will play 2 games at home (against Serra Riccò and Bolzanetese) and 3 away (against San Cipriano, and Sampierdarenese Varazze).
Ceriale The three races will play at home (against Carcarese, Argentina and San Cipriano) and two away (and against VirtuSestri Golfodianese).
Not to mention that the last round will play the finale at home against Carcarese, the Empire away against Voltrese Ceriale and at home to Varazze.
Il conto alla rovescia è iniziato.
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