More news in " Imperia football ... story of a love " Starting today you can read the results and the scores of the matches of "Italian Cup" played by the Empire.
E 'can read them or just the specific section called " Cup Italy " or in their respective seasons, missing scores, therefore, invite those who were in possession, send us your comments.
We invite you, as always, to work with us to develop the site, post pictures of the seasons ranging from 1986 to 1998, of which we are lacking, the 33 match results del'Imperia football and yet we lack first names of players seasons ranging from 1926 to 1960.
E 'can read them or just the specific section called " Cup Italy " or in their respective seasons, missing scores, therefore, invite those who were in possession, send us your comments.
We invite you, as always, to work with us to develop the site, post pictures of the seasons ranging from 1986 to 1998, of which we are lacking, the 33 match results del'Imperia football and yet we lack first names of players seasons ranging from 1926 to 1960.
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