Se qualcuno aveva ancora dei dubbi, da questa domenica non li ha più: la vittoria del Campionato sarà un testa a testa tra Finale ed Imperia. Il Ceriale, infatti, giunto alla terza sconfitta consecutiva, pare ormai aver mollato anche psicologicamente.
Ed allora vediamo ancora una volta le partite che ancora mancano da qui al 1° maggio, quando ci sarà lo scontro directed to the "Fat Man", which, at this point could be very decisive.
The final 2 games will play at home (against Andora and Serra Riccò) and two away (and against Praese Bolzanetese). The Imperia
will play 2 games at home (against Serra Riccò and Bolzanetese) and 2 away (against Sampierdarenese and Varanasi).
useless to speculate, or tables: we must win them all. Imperia
And this, as well as strong technically, is now tough, does not want to give up an inch more.
purchases in the repair market are making a difference, as some players in the first round, blocked by various flaws, had not played with continuity, as Monti and Balbo; not to mention the most efficient use of the quota.
Certainly the Finale, now in its ninth consecutive vitoria, always afraid, but will even catch his breath: we will be ready to take advantage of it to reach the direct confrontation with the arrowhead.
Truly a "volatona" long, just like last year ... hoping that on this occasion, direct confrontation can be really crucial for us to strike the kidneys.
Ed allora vediamo ancora una volta le partite che ancora mancano da qui al 1° maggio, quando ci sarà lo scontro directed to the "Fat Man", which, at this point could be very decisive.
The final 2 games will play at home (against Andora and Serra Riccò) and two away (and against Praese Bolzanetese). The Imperia
will play 2 games at home (against Serra Riccò and Bolzanetese) and 2 away (against Sampierdarenese and Varanasi).
useless to speculate, or tables: we must win them all. Imperia
And this, as well as strong technically, is now tough, does not want to give up an inch more.
purchases in the repair market are making a difference, as some players in the first round, blocked by various flaws, had not played with continuity, as Monti and Balbo; not to mention the most efficient use of the quota.
Certainly the Finale, now in its ninth consecutive vitoria, always afraid, but will even catch his breath: we will be ready to take advantage of it to reach the direct confrontation with the arrowhead.
Truly a "volatona" long, just like last year ... hoping that on this occasion, direct confrontation can be really crucial for us to strike the kidneys.
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