Thursday, July 30, 2009

Farberware Microbrew Coffee Maker

Bellucci back and makes six, "I'm the big" snowball

MOENA (TN) - «Sto alla grande, oggi in campo, senza alcun dolore al ginocchio, mi sembrava di essere tornato quello di prima». Claudio Bellucci è raggiante. All’uscita dal “Benatti”, dopo aver firmato sei reti di ottima fattura in mezzora contro i dilettanti dei Monti Pallidi, il Bello si ferma a parlare coi giornalisti. Da raccontare c’è a comeback after five months of abstinence, and a deluge of goals.

scorer. "Better to do it anyway, goals - Claudio begins - even in games like this, which may serve to find the feeling with his comrades and measures of the lawn. The movements are already natural to me, without even thinking about it, and in comparison to before, when I thought the ball more to the pain that I was coming, I can not be that happy. "

surprise. Something , compared with a year ago, has changed. "I must say - continues Bellucci - that last year the age was felt, but I was not well and it was normal to be so. This year though I feel like a kid, I started on the right foot and for this I thank the center of Wake board, especially Mario and Dominic: I'm so if it is on them. Now I hope that the recovery that I had worth well Peter Accardi, in my opinion will be back stronger than before. " Claudio Bellucci and how he wants to return? "I want to impress, I amaze even myself and get over what these damned bad luck and injuries I have taken over the past two years."

(, July 30, 2009)


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